After 15 years in the aviation industry and more than 10,000 hours logged, that is the very first thing I think of when I roll out of bed every morning...Lets Go Flying! Well, almost the first is first and petting my dog is second...don't tell my wife! How lucky we are to be able to have such an amazing experience and I hope for you it never becomes routine. I am never as content or comfortable as I am in the cockpit of a small airplane and even though I have been fortunate enough in my career to find my way into the cockpits of larger and "fancier" air machines, it is the piston propeller airplane such as the ones on the ramp at your local airport or FBO that ignite my passion for going to the skies! It is also the wonder of these machines and their ability to literally and figuratively transport us that brings many of us together in these skies. So whether you are a student pilot wondering when you will ever solo (we have all been there!!), a CFI building experience for the next job on the ladder, or a veteran pilot who simply loves the sound of the piston engine, the smell of AVGAS, and the familiar sensation when the wheels leave the ground and the air becomes a cushion, I invite you all to share the skies as well as this space with me!
I would like to offer each of you an invitation to communicate with me on any aviation topic that is on your mind...whether it is how to land well enough so that your instructor will FINALLY get out of the plane, how to perform that Lazy 8 so that the examiner will stop laughing, how to perform a flawless single-engine ILS in the twin, or how to interview for your first job just ask me! If I don't directly have an answer I have enough amazingly wonderful friends in this business to get you an answer! If you are nearby lets have lunch and do some hangar flying...until then, keep plenty of airspeed and the shiny side up!
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Nicely done, Wayne. Looking forward to following along. . . . .